TIS's Delhi Training Seminar

Delhi Welcomed TIS CEO at a Smart Technology Training Event in April 2014.

Seeking to elevate our customers’ quality of life at home and beyond with intelligent IT-powered electronics and software has been the core of TIS Automation Group’s production since inception. To fulfill that objective, it is important to educate experts and dedicated human power to advance our services.

TIS’s Training Program in partnership with MAYFAIR LIGHTING LLP was a 3-day technology and business education program designed to prepare unemployed or underemployed adults for a career in the growing technology job market. This program was designed to provide training in smart software functionality so that the participants who graduated from these courses might be able to request a dealership collaboration with the TIS representatives in the region. Also, as TIS’s CEO, Turath Mazloum, said to the press, offering such programs in Delhi may, eventually, result in a smart city with high energy efficiency. This is a promising move in the right direction. We believe tutoring more engineers about smart technology paves the way for producing responsible and informed citizens 

These coaching sessions provided attendants with high-demand certifications and marketable skills, but that is not all. The following are some objectives of our training course in Delhi:

1) Gain technology, financial, and professional skills

2) Enter a high-demand technology field

3) Lower recruitment costs

4) Enable participants to start new careers as smart home installers

TIS’s training programs are advantageous for those in the electrical, alarm, IT, or HVAC industries. For more information, please visit https://www.tiscontrol.com/tptis/En/ad_training.html.

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