Time to Go Smart in Workplace

As new technologies emerge, the modern workplace evolves into a safer, more productive, and more comfortable atmosphere. The modern office is more than just an open space with natural lighting and minimal furniture; smart technology goes farther than the physical milieu, it creates a whole new way of interacting with and working in the office.

A smart office is one in which not only people but also room fixtures work effectively. It goes without saying that energy-efficiency, security, and comfort are key factors for a productive business. These are, in other words, the benefits that make a smart office highly successful.

It is important to see how a combination of autonomy and flexibility boosts employees’ creativity and productivity. Imagine an employee who sits down to write an analysis report about the last exhibition while the light in room is uncomfortable, opening the window is not an option, and struggling over the “suitable temperature” with colleagues is far too frustrating.

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Smart lighting matters a lot in modern office environments, because it reduces energy costs considerably. Now, with TIS intelligent sensors, the lights are used only when motion is detected in the space. The lux meter technology also automatically adjusts lighting levels based on available daylight. And that is not all. Employees can monitor and control the light intensity and even adjust lighting color from smart hubs.

TIS smart sensors are mostly indoor motion-detecting devices that use infrared, ultrasonic, microwave, or a similar technology to detect occupancy. By transferring the collected data to other smart components, these sensors pave the way for an energy-efficient workplace. These sensors are there to assist with controlling everything, from an office’s smart temperature control to the intelligent coffee maker, ensuring that a fresh cup of coffee is always available.

The TIS Health Sensor, for instance, can be installed in office rooms so that a healthy environment is provided for employees so that they can focus on their work. This TIS smart gadget helps to regulate indoor air so that staff can always enjoy a breath of fresh air, and the control room receives a notification if there is a high CO range in the office air.

Smart TIS HVAC systems intelligently function based on usage patterns and the outdoor temperature to best regulate the indoor air degree and humidity.

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The intelligent conference room combines a number of smart features to assist with meetings and conferences. TIS ceiling speakers and projector lift motor facilitate the whole process.

Now, imagine a manager in the meeting room saying, "show the last season’s sale profits diagram on the screen," and then all the systems fire up automatically. That's a dream scenario for some workers, and TIS technology helps you get a taste of it with Amazon's virtual assistant, Alexa. This device lets workers multitask by using their voice to manage different parts of the automation system.

Better security management is another practical result of modernizing a workplace. Trendy TIS smart cameras have wide-angle views, low light capabilities, and impressive zoom features. They provide multiple location monitoring at once, with split screen viewing and access from a user’s smart phone or desktop.

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Remember, in a smart office, manual override of systems will always be an option, and smart devices will alert if there is any type of hazardous situation.

At last, let us stress once more that the potential for the smart workplace to replace the traditional office is a prerequisite for a more productive and echo-friendly business. With smart technology kicking in, we are hopeful about the possibility of using tech to make workspaces better and more productive than ever before.

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